What Is It Like To Be A Journalist?

 ‘I think to be a journalist is one of a great option for my future.’

That sentence is what's on my mind right now.

Now I realize that my knowledge about journalism is poor. I’m interested in creative writing, but I never put my eyes on journalism for once before. After watching ‘I Wanna Be a Journalist: A Day in The Life of A Journalist’ by Student Edge, I realize that Journalism is not only about government and political news like what I knew before.

Journalism itself is actually a pretty broad field, it covers freelancers, broadcasters, online, fashion, music, education, health, political journalist, and more. Being a journalist allows you to explore the world to write. A journalist does not work only behind the desk in an office, they see and explore their surroundings, and pour it in a writing. That fact is actually making my heart flutter slightly, imagining work like that in the future.

To find out the way to be a journalist, and be a good journalist, we have to have the ability to talk to people and have an interest in people and your surroundings. Be a journalist also demand us to be great in our writing skills, grammar, and things related to writing.

The qualification to be a journalist is mostly a degree of English, Creative Writing, and of course Journalism. However, it doesn’t mean impossible for people who are not in that field to be a journalist. The key point is the opportunity. If there is an opportunity in the writing field, in terms of internship or voluntary, just take it, and get the experiences.  

‘Take the chance and get experiences. Confidence comes from experiences.’

That sentence will be my friend starting from now on.


I Wanna Be a Journalist: A Day In The Life Of A Journalist



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