Economic Warrior in the Midst of a Pandemic for a Family

What is your impression of a warrior? Will you say 'warrior is the brave one who is skilled in fight and war'? Yes, that's not wrong actually. However, in this article, we will see a warrior that saved a more precious thing more than anything in life, his community and his beloved family. A story behind a young man who starts his business to conquer his ego of social prestige.


Plaza Bandarjo, The view one  of a place of The Bandarjo Market

(Source Image : Feri Satya P. | private doc  )


Bandarjo market, located in Ungaran, is a market seen with a striking modern architectural design in silver. The exterior looks are similar to a shopping mall or a tourist destination instead of a local market. This market is very much visited by the public because it is cleaner and strategically located on the side of the Semarang - Ungaran main road which is easily reached by public or private transportation. No wonder why, in this market, a 25 years old Wahyu decided to work his everyday job as a poultry butcher and chicken meat seller.

The Warrior

(Source image: Feri Satya P. | private doc.)


He was once fired for a reduction in employees at a factory at the early stage of the pandemic. He felt sad that his company won’t use his skill again. “Tapi kembali lagi yo mas, nek posisi kita lagi jatuh, yo rasah ngeluh, percuma mas. Eman lek urip, mesakke ijek nom,” (but again, if we were at the low point in life, don’t complain, it’ll be a waste for such youth) he admitted. Looking around nowadays where Covid-19 came unexpectedly, a lot of people have been laid off including him. Whether he likes it or not, he has to work his brains to always stay productive and earn money.


Yo piye meneh mas, coro corone ora nduwe det, ora nduwe yang," (Well, what can I do, no money, no girlfriend) Wahyu laughed when we interviewed him.


The workers

(Source Image : Feri Satya P. | private doc )


He argued that nowadays youth are prestigious with their social status and their profession. Back then, before Covid-19 came around, he had the same thought. Thus, he decided to look for jobs according to his desires and abilities, so he doesn't feel inferior in society, especially when he meets some friends.


Yet as the virus hit, Wahyu found another way to earn money. It would be hard if he tried to get a job somewhere else, and he decided not to go back to being a worker in a company, but being a trader instead. He chose to sell chicken because he saw the opportunity in his surroundings, especially Ungaran Market where chicken is one of the ingredients people always look for. Wahyu remembers that after graduating from high school, he worked as an employee in a food factory, which made him used to working with food before.


The chicken stall

(Source image: Feri Satya P. | private doc.)


At the same time, his family supported his decision in the broiler business. They gave him the chance to continue the family business which has been there since the 1980s.


However, the thing that struggles or becomes a problem during the pandemic is the decreasing stock of chicken in the midst of increasing public interest. He ended up not only selling chickens but also slaughtering other traders' chickens as additional income and being able to provide wages for employees so that they did not have the same fate as himself. He said that the important thing he had to do regarding this situation is always be grateful and never complain too much but work instead, because sustenance has been set by God.


Like he said, “jenenge rejeki ra ono sing ngerti, kalo kita tetep kuat, tetep sabar nglakoni pasti ada jalan. Penting jangan ada hari kosong buat makaryo gitu mas.” (we never know when fortune is going to come, but if we keep on being strong, patient, and persistent in doing our job, there will be a way. As long as we didn’t spend even a day to stop working)


He implemented this opinion to his fellow chicken seller. He also keeps in touch with them as a family, not a rival. But yes, it is a healthy competition.


“Yaa biar tetap bisa mendapatkan keuntungan tanpa merugikan pesaing, tentu dong persaingan sehat bikin komunitas dan hubungan antar pedagang jadi enak & enjoy” (Yeah, for the same benefit without prejudice to other, of course a healthy competition makes a good relation to other people and community to be fun and enjoy”


If you visits Bandarjo Market in Ungaran, you might find where the warrior works; unlike Superman, he wears no cape, and he works tirelessly for his family.


Inside the market

(Source image: Feri Satya P. | private doc.)




Feri Satya Prawira

Annya Monica Johan

Aninda Cakrawarti

Mita Widyasari


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