What is the most important element that you pay attention to when reading the news?


The newsworthy? The values? The messages? The relevance? Or maybe the importance?


According to Galtung and Ruge (1965), in their study of news values, the more clearly an event could be understood and interpreted unambiguously, the more likely it was to be selected as a news story. So, the unambiguity of the news has a great influence on a journalist. Quoted from James Curran and Jean Seaton (2003), news values allow the journalist to “translate untidy reality into neat stories with beginnings, middles, and denouements”.


For example, from these two following newspaper articles from The Jakarta Post, we will find what news values are applied in the articles.


The first article is “India virus cases cross 5 million in ‘worse than sci-fi’ pandemic”. This article applying several news values in it, such are Bad news, Magnitude, Relevance, and Follow-up. By seeing the title of the article, we could predict that is bad news, the article brings up a tragedy which has a negative overtone. By the title and the body of the article, we also could see significant numbers of people involved in this tragedy, which means this article has a magnitude value. This article is a relevance and follow-up article of the buzzing issues about a pandemic which is concerning the entire countries in the world for these past months.


The second article is “FIFA estimates Covid-19 will cost global soccer $11 billion”. This article applying news values such as The Power Elite, Bad News, Magnitude, and Relevance. The title of this article implies stories concerning a powerful organization, FIFA, and the overtone of this article is negative. In the body of the article perceived a significant number of potential impacts on the organization, with the relevance of the pandemic issue.


O'Neill, Deirdre & Tony Harcup. "News Values and Selectivity". The Handbook of Journalism Studies.     Routledge. New York: 2009.

"India virus cases cross 5 million in 'the worse sci-fi' pandemic". The Jakarta Post.

“FIFA estimates Covid-19 will cost global soccer $11 billion”. The Jakarta Post.


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